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Mocha Uson's First Article on Philstar generated 52,000 likes and 23,000 shares in less than 24 hours

         Mocha Uson's First Article on Philstar generated          52,000 likes and 23,000 shares in less than 24 hours

Amid criticism from the daughter of the President of The Philippine Star, Mocha Uson didn’t cease to write her first article on

Her article titled “I have the right to speak” has gone viral online. As of writing, the article already generated 52,000 likes and 23,000 shares.

The article of Mocha tells about the freedom of speech regardless of our education, public image or wealth all the Filipinos has equal rights.

Mocha explained she's using blog to express her opinion and the good achievements of President Duterte. She believes that the social media is now a platform where anyone can express their beliefs and enjoy their freedom of speech.

She also pointed out about the people who wants to shut her blog down. Mocha said that she didn’t even tried to silence her detractors even her critics already tried to silence her numerous times.

I have never reported the anti-Duterte Facebook pages or the pages that mock me and my intelligence because I believe that we are all entitled to our own opinion. Yet recently, some people have tried to shut down my blog, they have tried to silence my voice claiming that I am spreading fake news, encouraging hate and creating division.

Mocha also denied the accusations of her critics that she’s sharing fake news, encouraging hate and creating division. She believes that her critics wants to silence her not because she’s sharing misinformation, but because she’s sharing the achievements of the present administration.

She also thanked the people who supported and defended her against critics. Even without compensation, Mocha said that she would continue sharing the good deeds of the Duterte administration through social media.

To my fellow ordinary people who are lending me their strength and their voice, our fight for change is not yet done. I will continue to fight for you and with you. I took this opportunity (no salary) to use it, to make sure that the collective voice of ordinary people is heard and to expose the truth no matter who is in our way. We will not give up! I believe that together we can change the course of our country toward a better tomorrow.

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